Common Sense Survival Response With a Taser

Common sense survival response with a Taser is solely based on being vigilant, maintaining a distance between you and your attacker and knowing how to react. In this article I will identify what your pre-determined survival response should be, the steps on what to do when it’s time for action and what the reactionary gap is.

What your pre-determined survival response should be:

· Always maintain your reactionary gap.

· Identify any kind of threatening body language. It could be a verbal confrontation, or just somebody that looks out of place or looks like they are going to try to inflict harm on you or your family.

· Depending on where you are and what you are doing the decision you will need to make is either escape the situation or get your Taser ready. If the assailant decides to attack you or your family; you are ready to react.

· When the assailant attacks; you need to maintain psychological control by not showing fear, remaining calm, owning the situation and using the environment to your advantage.

· Try to back the attacker off by being loud, calm and collected using your stalwart voice to tell them to back off or call for help.

· These next steps should only take a couple of seconds. If your attacker doesn’t stop then you need to protect yourself.

· First thing you do is stabilize your grip on the Taser. Make sure you have two hands on the grip. The safety is still on at this point.

· Next, pull the Taser to the middle of your body to maintain maximum control of it and then remove the safety exposing the laser sight.

· Point aim and fire your Taser C2 to release its fury upon the attacker.

· If for some reason the attacker doesn’t go down, which is pretty unlikely, you need to distract assailant so you can escape.

What is a reactionary gap and how do you know if you have one?

· The reactionary gap is the minimum safe distance between you and the attacker. It should be NO LESS THAN SIX FEET!

· There are four processes that need to happen in your mind to determine the reactionary gap. The distance should be the same no matter what environment you are in or what you are doing.

· Observe; you need to know what is happening all around you at all times.

· Always orientate yourself to know where you are at all times. You always move around looking for more than one escape route.

· Decide; what plan you are going to take when somebody is inside your reactionary gap. Your plan is always changing. You should always be looking around and making new plans.

· Act on your survival plan when someone attacks you. Be ready and follow through with your plan giving it one hundred and ten percent. Always follow through with your plan even if you feel uneasy about it. A pre determined plan in action is better than no plan. It is better to be safe than sorry.


Now that you know what your plan should be, execute it. Always maintain your reactionary gap where every life leads you. Practice being vigilant, identifying problem situations, know your escape routes and maintain control of your environment no matter where you’re at; work, school, home, or at the mall.

Adam Sisterhen is the president of Your Personal Security Store and author of personal security and self defense articles. He is a proud advocate and a firm believer in personal security and self defense products that help protect you, your family and your loved ones.